Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Busy Season

I can't wait for the busy season to end.  Maybe then I'll be able to take pictures again...

Happy Birthday, Ed!

A few days late on my part, but we did get to visit a few days before, so it evens out, right?
Happy birthday!  Hope you had a great day :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9.15.10 part two

The great thing about 9.15.10?  It's Jen's birthday!  Jen and I have been friends since I was in 7th grade and she was in 8th.  We actually met when I was in 6th grade, but we didn't like each other for the first year (*sigh* junior high girls...) So Jen and I have been friends since 1993.  We've been friends 17 years.
Happy Birthday, Jen! I hope this year brings you loads of joy and happiness.


How can it possibly be halfway through September?!  The beginning of the school year always passes quickly in our house because we're both trying to organize the new year and get all our classes in order.  This year is particularly hard for both of us because of all the changes in the education field.  I won't bore you with the details, but I will ask you to take the time to thank your teacher-friends for all they give their students above and beyond what they get paid or recognized for doing.  I'm not actually a teacher, but I work with them every day and experience all the stresses they're feeling.  I'm five weeks into the actual school year, and Travis is six weeks in...the honeymoon period for our kids has definitely worn off.  Every year, our kids are so excited to be back in school and they're usually on their best behavior for awhile.  After a couple of weeks we usually see the kids relax and we have to deal with the fall out.  What does that mean?  It means we're tired.  We're exhausted.  And it's only the middle of September.  Let the countdown for the holidays begin.